Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Vintage by Little Miss O

Little Miss O likes to choose her own outfits and disappears to her room after breakfast to come up with her ensemble for the day. I love to see what she comes up with. She is quite stylish for so little a thing.

Friday she completely outdid herself. She walked in the room and said "I am wearing this to school today" and struck a pose. 

and another pose

and another pose

If you are not a connoisseur of 70's vintage crochet, well, this is it.

There is a gigantic white pompom on top of the beret that wasn't captured in the photos. Note the long string on the mittens that normally goes inside one sleeve and down the other so as not to lose the mittens. Awesome. It's epic.

And yes, this was mine when I was O's age, made by my incredibly talented mom. I can't believe how good it looks after all this time...

I know there is a picture somewhere in my office of me wearing this, but I think this post needs to stand on it's own. Little Miss O deserves her moment in this too. 

Crochet On!


  1. Super cute! love the blog Keri! good luck with this latest project!
    xoxo, Annie Lo

  2. O is so darling! I love her little poses. I can't believe how incredibly talented my mom and sistah are! <3
