Thursday, March 24, 2016

Long time, no blog - and Summer 2016

Hello Friends!

It has been a long time since our last post here at Loops by Keri. Lots of life stuff, lots of work stuff...but I think we're back in the saddle again. Whoo-hoo!

I am going to start off with our amazing offerings at EmmaLoops Studio in Huntington NY this summer! 

We’ve got some amazing projects up our sleeves and as always we teach how to do the process NOT JUST a product so they can leave our classes and do more on their own too. :)

Click here to register or for more info

Each week is 3 afternoons of crafting 1pm-4pm, Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday- for just $150 per week which includes all materials!  PLUS- SAVE if you have a sibling join us or do multiple weeks for $135 each additional week/sibling! 

And we have lots of amazing themes- trendy! doll making! STEM + Art week as school gets closer ;)
Please help us spread the word - our new website can be found here:  

Thanks all & Create On!
